Sunday, 2 January 2011

Art Course

This is the first spread in a new art journal I started over the holidays. It came about after I googled art journal and art courses. I found a good site by a lady called Tamara Laporte. The link is 
or the badge is at the right, click to join.
I have had a 'block' lately and haven't been able to do any art, which was getting me down. So I joined this site and watched the video and suddenly I was eager to start again. This course which is called, 'Art, Heart and Healing' ran fairly recently I think and has now finished, but she is leaving it up indefinitely so you can join at any time. She also runs monthly challenges and swaps from time to time. She has other courses available (not free, but reasonably priced, considering the amount of information you get) one of which is starting soon I think. Well worth a visit!

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