Wednesday, 5 January 2011

New pages...

I've completed some more journal pages...
This one is in a different style, from Mystele Kirkeeng's little glimpses studio
And the second one is based on one of Tamara's (willowing) paintings. I like the moon!
The weather is lousy today, raining very heavily at the moment, I will be walking to work in that later, but I quite enjoy walking in the rain as long as I'm dressed appropriately of course. It's the time of day when I have a GOOD THINK and maybe work out a problem or just let thoughts wander through my head in a lazy fashion. Money is tight at the moment so that's usually what the thoughts are about these days. Finding a job which suits me and my needs seems to be unattainable at the moment and I don't know what to do about it. Usually, if a problem is hard to solve, I do nothing until it solves itself one way or another, it's not lazy, just that if I can't find a solution, then I think I should wait for one to present itself...fate and all that? This one has me stumped though, it's been going on for months and I see no end in sight.
My depression and anxiety stop me having the confidence to go for goals that I want to go for or think I should go for. It's crippling at times, but now the need for extra money in the pot is weighing heavily on me and I don't know which way to turn. What to do??

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