Friday, 4 February 2011

Lovely People..

Thank you so much to two lovely people, Rachel and liZZie who sent me nice comments on the last post. Unfortunately, it brought on the waterworks again, but in a good way, if you see what I mean! I just keep saying thank you, thank you, to whoever was watching youngest son's back that horrible evening. I don't believe in God but I keep saying thank you (to whoever/whatever it is 'up there'. I feel really lousy this morning and have been popping pills in order to rid myself of a stinker of a migraine (these have returned with the onset of the menopause), and thankfully, it is fading now. I look like I've been bashed by a frying face is swollen from crying and worrying and a lack of decent sleep, but I'm so, so grateful that he's okay and that's all that matters.
I thought that I would attempt some therapeutic art-journaling, but I opened the book and was beset by visions of cars flipping over, and ambulances, so maybe I'll leave that for a while. I would love to go for a nap, but I am expecting an electrician to call to fix a broken storage heater and I don't know what time he'll call, if he calls at all today.
The weather is atrocious, we are being battered by gale-force winds and salty sea-winds have obliterated our view but I'm not complaining, I think they're having a rotten time in Australia at the moment, with a hurricane so soon after the awful floods. I think that once I get over the shocks of this week, I will feel a lot more grateful for my 'lot'!!   


Anonymous said...

Have a 'virtual hug' and get as many as you can in the real world. You're only a human woman, we cry and wail and get hot flushes and thingies, but we also know how to live life the rest of the time and when we're all cried out. B miserable in West Somerset too.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the hug liZZie! xx

A Miraculous Meliss said...


I feel strange saying, "What a wonderful thing that happened to your son" - but you know what I mean. I was in a car accident a few years ago, so I know all about how much it hurts after. Whiplash is no joke. I hope he's feeling better soon. Thank goodness for seatbelts - they really do save lives. One tiny little click makes a huge difference.

I recently also said, "I'll take my lot over anyone else's." It's good to know how blessed we are.

Hope to see you around The House often.


indie grrrl said...

Hi Nia! I saw your comments over at The House, and couldnt agree more. I have just recently started blogging again, well posting photo's of the new art I am creating and would love for you to pop over. Also look forward to learning more about you over at Thee House of Art.
Your blog is beautiful and your pets adorable, and I really hope your son feels better soon. I am going to read more on your blog now.
Take Good Care!!!!! Sandy